Media Release Form

Social Media, Website, and Print Release Form

NAMI Will-Grundy of Joliet, Illinois

When you attend NAMI Will-Grundy events, there are occasions when photographs and/or videos of you may be taken by a volunteer associated with NAMI Will-Grundy. We would like to ask for your consent to allow these digital images and videos of you to be used on our website and social media, as well as news releases and/or promotional materials.

 Public posting may include, but is not limited to:

Print materials might include news releases and/or brochures promoting NAMI Will-Grundy programs and services.

Videos and images are used to help the community learn more about our programs and mission. Anyone with Internet access is able to view these pages. Videos and digital images may be posted on our website to showcase events and activities, including participant testimonials.

At NAMI Will-Grundy, we take the issue of safety very seriously, and this includes the use of videos and digital images. When using digital formats on our website and social media, we strive to do so with a duty of care.

By filling out the media agreement below, I hereby grant permission to NAMI Will-Grundy of Joliet, Illinois, to capture digital images and videos of me to post on the website and social media and/or print in news releases and/or promotional materials.

I authorize the use of these videos and images without compensation to me. All negatives, prints, and digital reproductions shall be the property of NAMI Will-Grundy of Joliet, Illinois.

If I wish to revoke the use of a video or digital image, I may do so by contacting a board member of NAMI Will-Grundy with the specific URL of the video or digital image. I understand that the removal of the video or digital image may not be immediate and can take up to five business days or more.